Our Projects

To Build and Develop
Halal Export Toursim Hub
Halal Export Tourism Hub is a platform which involves real estate, professional services, advanced
technologies, trading, and branding. In this platform, the Hub implemented Halal standard in a complete supply chain solution with GS1 standard in agriculture sector and targeting providing a one stop services to potential investors for developing not only Muslims but also non-Muslims countries.
In Halal Export Tourism Hub, we set up an advanced agriculture infrastructure in Pakistan which have been certified by international well-known organizations. The setup infrastructures are not only for increasing productivity and quality of Pakistan’s agriculture products, the infrastructures are also welcome for rental purpose to reduce investors cost and time to setting up now production line. Investors are welcome to have own operation and management system or outsource the services to the tourism hub management.
We will also provide one stop solutions which provide training, operation, management, brand designing, packing, OEM services and logistic services for investors in the hub. Furthermore, in order to reduce investors risk and with a quicker return on investment, investors who rent our infrastructures to produce products are welcome to supply back under brand “PakistanFarm” which has existing retail channels in Hong Kong, China
This platform also references from Japan fish market that visitors can also enjoy live seafood or products from the hub and have the food at the restaurants inside the hub. Visitors can buy live and fresh seafood and products as souvenir while businessmen can visit the hub for selecting vendors.
This platform does not only provide a qualitied one-stop supply chain services to investors or local customers, but it’s also provide a solution which include retail channels to investors to spread the products with higher price and shorten the operation cost. Together with the income from rental, Halal Export Tourism Hub is the first one stop supply chain services platform which involves value-added services and real estate sector in Pakistan.

To Promote and Inherit
PakistanisMade Initiatives
Pakistanis made initiative to create Pakistanis Made scheme is to reform traditional supply chain in trading activities and business to business problem in Pakistan in order to boost export and economic.
Through the strictly implement the monitoring and QC system, the results of products or cases that driven from Pakistanis Made B2B platform can provide consumer and investment trust.
To uphold Pakistan image in international market through launching products that recognize with Pakistanis Made logo to international chain stores and increasing successfully business to business case.
With the increase of Pakistanis Made products are launched at different retail stores together increasing collaborated business, Halal culture will be more aware together with a symbol that Pakistanis is strictly focusing and promoting Halal products.
Hence, with the enhance of Pakistan status in international market while the country is underdeveloped with opportunities, Pakistanis Made standard create a big business opportunity to international with implementing Halal in their mind.