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Legal Notice.

As of the time of publication, all information on the website of the Masyi Consultant and Services Hong Kong Limited ("MasyiCS") is presented in good faith and is based on facts that MasyiCS is aware of. Although every effort is put forth to ensure the accuracy of such information during its preparation, it is susceptible to change. MasyiCS reserves the right to modify any information on this website at any moment. MasyiCS disclaims liability, to the fullest extent permitted by law, for any errors, omissions, or outcomes resulting from the utilization of the information. Without any express or implied warranty, including but not limited to warranties as to fitness for a particular purpose, and without any guarantee of completeness, accuracy, timeliness, or results obtained from the use of this information, all information is presented "as is" on this website. Any inaccuracy therein shall not be the responsibility or liability of MasyiCS. If a law restricts the exclusion of such liability, MasyiCS's responsibility is restricted to the resupply of the information, to the extent permitted by law.

Click on the links to access our policies:

Environmental Responsible Procurement

Social Responsible Procurement

Supplier Code of Conduct

Supplier Diversity